What happens at Baptism?
Baptism is the Sacrament through which a person, adult or child, is adopted by God as His child. The person, baptised with water "In the Name of the Father and the Son of the Holy Spirit", receives all the privileges and responsibilities of a child of God and becomes a member of the Church. It is the beginning of the journey of eternal life.
Children are baptised on the understanding that their parents promise to bring them up in a life of worship, prayer and Christian service, and that the children will be given an opportunity to undertake those promises themselves in the sacrament of Confirmation.
Who can be Godparents?
Godparents are responsible adults who share with the parents in the privilege of bringing up the child in the Christian faith. In the service of Baptism they solemnly promise to guide the child to the stage where he or she is able to make a public declaration of Christian faith in the presence of a bishop at the sacrament of Confirmation.
Godparents must be baptised themselves. They should be in a position where they will have a direct influence on the life of their godchild, and where they will be able to lead them to Confirmation at the appropriate time. It is preferred, but not essential, that godparents also be confirmed.
Traditionally, a boy has two male godparents and one female godparent. A girl traditionally has two female godparents and one male godparent. Other combinations are, however, not unusual.
What about adult Baptism?
Adults who are being baptised do not need godparents. It is presumed that they understand the importance and significance of the commitment they are making. They should be presented for the sacrament of Confirmation as soon as possible following Baptism.
How do we organise the Baptism?
If you would like to be baptised, or if you would like your child to be baptised at All Saints, please contact the Parish Priest, who will arrange an interview. At this interview, the parents (and godparents), or the adult seeking Baptism, will be prepared for the sacrament, and arrangements will be made for the service.
Normally, Baptism takes place either during the Sunday Mass at 10.00 am, or immediately after, at approximately 11.30 am. Baptisms held apart from public worship are rare.
If you have any questions or concerns, the Parish Priest will be only to happy to discuss them with you.
Does it cost anything?
There is no charge for a Baptism.
Baptism is the Sacrament through which a person, adult or child, is adopted by God as His child. The person, baptised with water "In the Name of the Father and the Son of the Holy Spirit", receives all the privileges and responsibilities of a child of God and becomes a member of the Church. It is the beginning of the journey of eternal life.
Children are baptised on the understanding that their parents promise to bring them up in a life of worship, prayer and Christian service, and that the children will be given an opportunity to undertake those promises themselves in the sacrament of Confirmation.
Who can be Godparents?
Godparents are responsible adults who share with the parents in the privilege of bringing up the child in the Christian faith. In the service of Baptism they solemnly promise to guide the child to the stage where he or she is able to make a public declaration of Christian faith in the presence of a bishop at the sacrament of Confirmation.
Godparents must be baptised themselves. They should be in a position where they will have a direct influence on the life of their godchild, and where they will be able to lead them to Confirmation at the appropriate time. It is preferred, but not essential, that godparents also be confirmed.
Traditionally, a boy has two male godparents and one female godparent. A girl traditionally has two female godparents and one male godparent. Other combinations are, however, not unusual.
What about adult Baptism?
Adults who are being baptised do not need godparents. It is presumed that they understand the importance and significance of the commitment they are making. They should be presented for the sacrament of Confirmation as soon as possible following Baptism.
How do we organise the Baptism?
If you would like to be baptised, or if you would like your child to be baptised at All Saints, please contact the Parish Priest, who will arrange an interview. At this interview, the parents (and godparents), or the adult seeking Baptism, will be prepared for the sacrament, and arrangements will be made for the service.
Normally, Baptism takes place either during the Sunday Mass at 10.00 am, or immediately after, at approximately 11.30 am. Baptisms held apart from public worship are rare.
If you have any questions or concerns, the Parish Priest will be only to happy to discuss them with you.
Does it cost anything?
There is no charge for a Baptism.